You never beat me But I never won. I'm caught in the past It lasts ands casts Me down into memories That seize and squeeze My heart, like unripe fruit. You put forth your best effort to destroy me, To break my mind To take my time On earth and turn it into the pain That I sublime into rhymes on these lines As evidence I'd never forfeit our game. You were weak, And used your tongue when your fists did fail. You would sneak And send your armies who would my walls assail, I would cry In my room at night and wish only that I could die And be free from the next day's combat. You never beat me. I left you behind and now I stand In the land of blue skies and white sand. My pain lies in my past, But my victory in the present, And my domination in my now inevitable future. Now I'm free from your voice And yet can never rejoice Because you walked away from it without bleeding. Despite horrid odds I persisted, I stand in the light, stronger now: A will and mind which deftly endures blister and sore, And brute, basic bodily power as never before, Both adaptations of surviving your rapport. But this irony stands: Now that I finally can, I'd kill you but you're not even worth the effort.